Wherever you installed it, though, the folder you want is located inside the data/obs-studio folder. If you installed it to a different drive on your machine simply substitute accordingly. Assuming you installed it to the main C:/ drive on your PC you'll find it here: C:/Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-studio/themes OBS Studio has a themes folder in its directory. If you downloaded one from the web, you'll just need to extract that file to this location.
Adding a custom theme to OBS Studio is a pretty straight forward process, too.Įssentially, you need to place the theme files into the right directory on your PC so that OBS Studio sees it. I run the Material Dark theme which I found here. If you have the knowhow you can create your own from scratch, or you can download one somebody else did the hard work on.Ī good place to start is the OBS Forums where you'll find a number of designs you can check out.
That applies across the board but when it comes to themes, you can go as crazy as you want. With OBS Studio you're not limited to what ships with the software. Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)